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64 Main Street
P.O. Box 360
Ellington, CT  06029
Email: ECACmail@aol.com

Friends and Colleagues

Dr. Prichard and the staff of Ellington Center Animal Clinic utilize the online Veterinary Information Network (VIN) and the Veterinary Support Personnel Network (VSPN). Through VIN and VSPN, our staff has access to a database of veterinary journals, continuing education classes, peer-to-peer communications, and many other sources of up-to-the-minute veterinary medical information. Up-to-date information from board certified veterinary specialists is available.

The Veterinary Information Network is made up of colleagues from all around the world. This network also allows real time communications about problems and issues that come up.  For example, if there is a problem with a medication, or news of a food recall, VIN members will know about it immediately the next time they log on.

The Veterinary Information Network also provides a service to you directly.  If you have questions about any aspect of veterinary medicine, you can log on directly to Veterinary Partner ( www.veterinarypartner.com ) to find veterinary approved information and recommendations about health and behavior issues for your pets.  Please feel confident that the information on Veterinary Partner is reliable and recommended by veterinarians that care.

Below are links to some of ours VIN friends and colleagues from across the United States and from all around the world.  If you are traveling or moving to a new home and need veterinary assistance, we would recommend that you contact one of these Veterinary Information Network members.


*Juneau, AK veterinarian Michael New, Juneau Veterinary Hospital http://www.juneauvet.com


*Phoenix, AZ veterinarian Hillary Frank, North Central Animal Hospital http://NorthCentralAnimalHospital.com


*Kings Beach, CA veterinarian Bree Montana, Agate Bay Animal Hospital http://www.tahoedog.net

*Palm Desert, CA veterinarian Lillian Roberts, Country Club Animal Clinic http://countryclubdvm.com

*Petaluma, CA Veterinarian Yvonne Stemwedel Adobe Animal Hospital http://www.AAHpetaluma.com

*San Diego, CA veterinarian Elizabeth Kelly, Jamacha Veterinary Clinic http://www.jamachavet.com

*San Francisco, CA. veterinarian Linda Hall, Sanfranciscopeninsulavet www.sanfranciscopeninsulavet.wordpress.com

*Stockton, CA veterinarian Mark Zimmerman, Crosstown Animal Hospital http://www.crosstownvet.com


*Parker, CO veterinarian Shawn Seibel, Advanced Pet Care of Parker http://www.apcofparker.com


*Old Lyme, CT veterinarian Neil Marrinan, Old Lyme Veterinary Hospital http://www.oldlymevets.com

*Ellington, CT veterinarian Joseph Prichard, Ellington Center Animal Clinic http://www.ecacpets.com


*Jacksonville, FL veterinarian Barbara Kempf, Parkway Animal Hospital http://www.parkwayanimaljax.com

*Lakeland, FL veterinarian Christopher Thompson, Thompson Animal Hospital http://www.thompsonanimalhospital.com

*Oviedo, FL veterinarian Janis Fullenwider, Tuscawilla Oaks Animal Hospital http://www.tuscawillaoaksah.com

*Pensacola, FL veterinarian Shelly Ashley Cordova Animal Medical Center http://www.cordovaAMC.com

*Stuart, FL veterinarian Gary Zinderman, Animal Health and Healing Center http://www.stuartvet.com


*Atlanta, GA veterinarian Star Gregory, Zutilla Veterinary Housecalls, http://www.zutillavet.com

*Dahlonega, GA veterinarian Kate McDuffee, McDuffee Veterinary Services http://www.mcduffeevet.com

*Fort Oglethorpe, GA veterinarian Walter Britt Schaffeld, Animal Medical Center http://www.petvetsite.com


*Buffalo Grove, IL veterinarians Sheree Block, Janet Dornhoff, Mary Lewis; Country Court Animal Hospital http://www.countrycourtanimalhospital.com

*Jacksonville, IL veterinarian Colleen Koch, Lincoln Land Animal Clinic http://www.lincolnlandac.com

*McHenry, IL veterinarians Mary Bishop, Cari Setzler, Animal Hospital of McHenry http://animalhospitalofmchenry.com


*Wichita, KS veterinarian Shannon Bayliff, East Central Veterinary Hospital http://www.eastcentralvet.com

*Olathe, KS veterinarian JC Burcham, Olathe Animal Hospital http://www.olatheanimalhospital.com


*Lexington, KY veterinarian Craig Blair, Clays Mill Veterinary Clinic http://www.claysmillvet.com

*Lexington, KY veterinarian Kevin Smith, Richmond Road Veterinary Clinic http://www.richmondroadvetclinic.com

*Lexington, KY veterinarian Lee Cundiff, Hartland Park Animal Hospital http://www.hartlandparkanimalhospital.com


*Baltimore, MD veterinarian Sue Reiter, Rosedale Animal Hospital, http://www.rosedaleah.com


*Bourne, MA veterinarian Annette Herbst, All Pets Medical Center http://www.allpetsmedicalcenter.com

*Plymouth, MA veterinarian Norm Stillman, Court Street Animal Hospital http://www.courtstreetvet.com


*Clinton Township, MI veterinarian Hardev Saini, Great Lakes Animal Hospital http://www.greatlakesvets.com

*Grand Rapids, MI veterinarian Beth Saldivia, The Animal Hospital of Kentwood, http://www.animalhospitalofkentwood.com/


*Jefferson City, MO veterinarians Alice Groner, Jaimie Smith, Woodland Animal Hospital http://www.woodlandvets.com


*Hanover, NH veterinarian Jennifer Lesser, Norwich Regional Animal Hospital, http://www.norwichanimal.com

*Hudson, NH veterinarian Richard McAroy, Lowell Road Veterinary Center http://www.lowellroadvetcenter.com


*Amsterdam, NY veterinarian Crystal C. Murray, Country Valley Veterinary Clinic http://www.countryvalleyvet.com

*Brooklyn, NY veterinarian Jo Ann Greenberg, Atlantic Animal Care http://www.atlanticvet.com

*Goldens Bridge, NY veterinarian Steven Immerblum, Goldens Bridge Veterinary Care http://www.goldensbridgevet.com

*Nanuet, NY veterinarian Michael Goldmann, Nanuet Animal Hospital http://www.nanuetanimalhospital.com

*Olean, NY veterinarian Kenton Flaig, Portville Veterinary Clinic http://www.portvet.com

*Rochester, NY veterinarian Dori Marion, Doorbell Vet http://www.doorbellvet.com

*Saint James, NY veterinarian Russ Star http://www.stjamesanimalhospital.com

*Sunnyside, NY veterinarian Stuart Goldenberg SunnysidePet HealthCare Center http://www.sunnysidevet.com


*China Grove, NC veterinarian Scott R. Vaughan, China Grove Animal Hospital http://www.chinagroveah.com

*Kitty Hawk, NC veterinarian Jay Taylor, Outer Banks Veterinary Hospital, http://outerbanksvet.com

*Kitty Hawk, NC veterinarian Stephen M. Samson, Coastal Animal Hospital http://coastalanimalhospital.com

*Winston Salem, NC veterinarian Ann Marie Livengood, Pfafftown Animal Hospital http://www.pfafftownvet.com


*Aurora, OH veterinarian Ellen Imhof, Aurora/Mantua Veterinary Clinics http://www.auroravet.com

*Cincinnati, OH veterinarian Richard Seaman, Madeira Veterinary Hospital http://www.madeira-vet.com


*Estacada, OR veterinarian Kay Edwards, Eagle Fern Veterinary Hospital http://www.eaglefernvet.com


*Knoxville,TN veterinarian Sam Meisler DVM, My Pet's Animal Hospital, http://www.mypetsanimalhospital.com


*Farmers Branch, TX veterinarian David Landers, Valley View Pet Health Center http://www.vvphc.com

*Houston, TX, veterinarian Jacquelyn Marshall, Kleinbrook Animal Hospital http://www.kleinbrookah.com

*Houston, TX veterinarian Ken Malinowski, Tanner Lakes Animal Clinic http://www.tannerlakesac.com

*The Woodlands, TX Veterinarian David Dolan, American Animal Hospital http://www.americananimalhospital.net

*Waco, TX veterinarian Ray Emerson, Emerson Animal Hospital http://www.emersonanimalhospital.com


*Mapleton, UT veterinarian Grant Madsen, Family Pet Hospital http://www.fphmapleton.com


*Brattleboro, VT veterinarian, VT NH Veterinarian Clinic http://www.vtnhvet.com/


*Charlottesville, VA veterinarian Stephen Epstein, Animal Hospital of Ivy Square http://animalhospitalofivysquare.com


*Sammamish Plateau / Issaquah, WA veterinarian Lisa Bennett, Beaver Lake Animal Hospital http://www.beaverlakeah.com


*Moorefield, WV veterinarian Lesley Kessel Parisi, South Branch Animal Hospital  http://southbranchanimalhospital.com.

*Morgantown, WV veterinarian Steve Zucker, Morgantown Animal Medical Center http://www.morgantownamc.com

*Morgantown, WV veterinarian Carolyn Goff Franci Kenney James Taylor Morgantown Veterinary Care PLLC http://morgantownvetcare.com


*Madison, WI veterinarian Karen Bryant, To Your Door Veterinary Health and Wellness http://toyourdoorvet.com

*Madison, WI veterinarian Lisa Olson, Whole Pet Veterinary Clinic http://www.wholepetclinic.com


*Powell, WY veterinarian Teri Ann Oursler, Heart Mountain Animal Health http://www.HeartMountainAnimalHealth.com


*Camrose, Alberta veterinarian Jamie Whiting, Camrose Veterinary Hospital http://www.camrosevet.com


*Chilliwack, BC veterinarian Josephine M. Banyard, Little Mountain Veterinary Clinic http://www.littlemountainvet.com

*West Vancouver, BC veterinarian Cathy Wilkie, Animal Medical Hospital http://www.vet.bc.ca

*Saanichton, BC veterinarian Nick Shaw, Shaw Pet and Equine Hospitals http://www.petsareourpassion.com


*Etobicoke, Ontario, veterinarian Kenneth Hill, BloorMill Veterinary Hospital, http://www.bloormillvet.ca


* Istanbul, Turkey veterinarian Akif Demirel, Istanbul Veterinary Polyclinic http://www.istanbulvet.com


*St Ives Veterinary Surgery, Cornwall, UK http://www.st-ives-vet.co.uk